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Children are amazing!

They seem to know all of the important things

that grown-ups appear to have forgotten.

Gordana Biernat

I believe that children have much to teach us about life and living...

just as we have much to teach them about navigating the complex world they inhabit.


Do children have a special place in your life?

Do you believe they deserve to be surrounded by adults

who nurture their innate joy, creativity, and curiosity?


I invite you to join me in exploring ways of being with children that..

respect their questions, ideas, and capabilities,


make their learning visible to themselves and others,

engage their hearts and minds through playful inquiry,

offer materials as “languages” for their creative expression,

nurture their sense of belonging and their valuable place in the world.

I offer workshopsconsultation, and coaching for teachers, administrators, and families online and in-person.  Our collaboration could be a single dialogue or event, a series of experiences and discussions, or an ongoing partnership.

I welcome the opportunity to discuss your interests and questions. 

Please contact me begin a conversation!

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Everyone can speak

the "language" of design


Play:  a human need...  a child's right...

            an educational imperative...

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What five adjectives 

best describe young children?

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Finding joy:

nurturing mind, body, and spirit


Trimming a bush:

a metaphor for teaching


"A line is a dot that went for a walk.":

an exploration of line

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